New Features

Every three weeks on Saturday, Instructure the company that maintains Canvas, will publish their production release notes containing all of the new features/enhancements and bug fixes made to Canvas.

We will highlight some of the more prominent new features released here in addition to including the full link to the production release notes.

In addition to Canvas, we will also include on a more in frequent basis, any other notable new features or bug fixes for our other supported applications/platforms such as Poll Everywhere, Qualtrics, and Kaltura. 

Recent Updates

Limitations of Blind Grading

Description: Blind grading works well so long as you only grade within SpeedGrader. While you are able to hide the student names in the Gradebook (Grades), student names will appear again if you refresh the page within the SpeedGrader.

Workaroound: Coordinate with teaching staff such that all grading remains in the same space.

Transition To: The New Canvas UI

Released by Instructure in August 2015, the new Canvas user interface (UI) provides a more streamlined view of Canvas by restructuring navigation menus and offering a more content-centric focus. Currently the new UI is only available as a option that must be enabled by administrators of the institution. The new Canvas UI will replace the current (legacy) UI on May 31st, 2016.

The current Canvas UI has navigation divided into two areas: Global navigation on the top, and Course navigation on the left-hand side. See the image below for reference:


Read more about Transition To: The New Canvas UI