New Features

Every three weeks on Saturday, Instructure the company that maintains Canvas, will publish their production release notes containing all of the new features/enhancements and bug fixes made to Canvas.

We will highlight some of the more prominent new features released here in addition to including the full link to the production release notes.

In addition to Canvas, we will also include on a more in frequent basis, any other notable new features or bug fixes for our other supported applications/platforms such as Poll Everywhere, Qualtrics, and Kaltura. 

Recent Updates

Embedding Qualtrics Surveys in Canvas

Previously, Qualtrics' integration with Canvas was limited to anonymous surveys. However, if you want to securely capture the name and email address of the person completing the survey (for example, if it's a quiz), it is now possible! The survey can be embedded in either an assignment or a page, and will look like it's part of the Canvas course site. The student will be automatically logged in to Qualtrics based on their Canvas credentials. Step-by-step instructions are included in the attached document.
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