Canvas New Gradebook Overview

In this guide, you will learn how to use the New Gradebook in Canvas. The New Gradebook helps instructors easily input, manage, and release grades to students. Please note that New Gradebook has been enabled for all Spring 2020 Canvas courses!

In the very beginning, it still has the old recipe to access the Gradebook by clicking the Grades link in Course Navigation. However, there are the top updates:

Default View & Menu & Location Changes

The New Gradebook’s Default View displays a list of all students and assignments at the same time as the classic Gradebook. However, the New Gradebook offers many options for arranging and filtering your data. In the View menu, you can arrange assignment columns by assignment name, due date, points, and module.

You can filter the New Gradebook by assignment group, modules, section, or student group. Select an option from the Filters menu and then select an option from the drop-down menu for the filter. Filters can be stacked to offer more precise views of your gradebook data. Filters are persistent until they are reset. To reset the filters, disable the filters from the View menu. The Student Name column lists all students in the course. The Student Name Options menu includes options to sort students alphabetically, order by first or last name, and display secondary info for the students such as SIS or Login IDs.

(Canvas Instructor’s Guide: How do I sort and display student names in the Student Name column in the New Gradebook?)

Customized Status Color Option

You can customize the status color options that display in the Gradebook. Choose a new color for the desired status and click Done to apply your changes. You can also choose to display a Notes column and Unpublished Assignments.

Statuses with color codes

Grade Posting Policy

If you have enabled a Grade Posting Policy for your course, you may also see options to Post Grades, Hide Grades, or set a posting policy for an individual assignment. In the Grade Posting Policy Sidebar you can set the assignment to release grades automatically or manually. Additionally, you can select a specific section when hiding or posting grades. (Canvas Instructor’s Guide: How do I hide grades for an assignment in the New Gradebook?)

Grade Posting Policy

Grade Detail Tray

To view additional details about a submission, click the Grade Detail Tray icon in the assignment cell. The assignment tray includes the student’s name, the name of the assignment, a link to view the submission in SpeedGrader, grading info, submission status options, which can be toggled by clicking the corresponding radio button, and a comment field. Click the X icon to close the assignment tray and return to the gradebook.

Grade Detail Tray

Grade display and override

The gradebook also displays a total column for each assignment group and for the total grade for each student in the course. You can view total grades as a point value or a percentage. If you allowed the final grade override, the Override column will display next to the Total column in the Gradebook. Enter an override grade as a percentage or a letter grade. (Canvas Instructor’s Guide: How do I override a student’s final grade in the New Gradebook?)

Grade display and override

Late Policy

On the Late Policies tab you can automatically deduct points for missing or late submissions. To automatically apply a grade for missing submissions, click the Automatically apply grade for missing submissions checkbox and enter the grade in the Grade Percentage for missing submissions field. To automatically deduct points for late submissions, click the Automatically apply deduction to late submissions checkbox. Enter a deduction percentage, an interval, and a lowest possible grade.

Late Policies

For additional information on New Gradebook: